Today my Little Pencil had his tonsils removed. He was incredibly brave. In fact ridiculously so and it really showed me up. I was a petrified mess.
His amazing attitude and his tremendous resilience is managing to rub off on me just a tiny bit – it may be because we are sharing the smallest bed known to mankind and his very being is literally being forced into mine, nonetheless, it is all good. In fact, in this very squashy jolly state of mind I have decided that hospital is a pretty cool place and I’ll tell you why
- You don’t have to make the bed. You can actually spend many wonderfully happy hours playing with the bed. (On a side note why is there a button to lift just the centre of the bed? What weird illness or injury would you have that necessitates the lifting of just your abdomen with your head and feet dangling precariously below you? This is the BED not the operating table)
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- You don’t have to make dinner. Although once you witness the slop that is hospital food you may wish to take up cooking in earnest. You may also wish to cook for all the other poor souls that have been given “A Study in Modern Art in Muted Greys” for dinner
- You can’t be guilted into walking the dog. This important point is not to be confused with the more negative point that you will miss your dog terribly and wish he were there to lick away the smell of, well the smell of hospital. Hospital smell is putrid so really you should not wish it on your dog and rather focus on the more positive fact that you can’t be guilted into walking him.
- There are people to talk to at any time of the day or night, even if they are carrying a heavy duty torch and checking your vitals. What’s more, when these people say “how are you?” you can really go to town with your answer.
- Being in a hospital bed allows you time to appreciate the fact that your bed at home is not made of a waterproof piece of foam. Unless of course it is and then it allows you to marvel at the fact that you are still alive after sleeping on such a terrible mattress for prolonged periods of time. Presumably you will do most of this marvelling in the physiotherapy department.
- There is always a supply of band aids, oxygen and hundreds of drugs. This is very handy if you are a hypochondriac.
- If you squint quite a bit and you block out the drip, oxygen, life saving machinery etc you can pretend you are in a hotel. This only works if you are in a private hospital and the hotel you pretend to be in is a pretty crappy hotel.
- The hospital has a fridge full of ice creams and icy poles for the patients but they do not check religiously who eats them.
- It is never completely quiet. Oh no, sorry that is a bad thing
That said, I cannot tell you how happy we will be to be out of here tomorrow! Without those hideous tonsils. And in a decent bed, with delicious home made food and a dog that licks our feet and no sign at all of sickness. Anywhere.
YES!!! I love hospital in all its wondrous weirdness (but only when no-one’s sick). 🙂
Funny, funny, funny!! I could have written this, except I couldn’t have. But I think it. 🙂
(Glad he’s all better and coming home x)
Weirdly, I find hospitals a bit of a turn-on (which is why I set parts of ATF in one). And the free bandaids- well, what’s not to like? Throw in some pethidine and that would be magic!
Seriously, glad it all went well and you’re all squished together again. xx
Great post I could relate.
The memories came flooding back from our hospital stay for the same reason 🙂
Those nasty tonsils
I hate hospitals 🙁 They all smell even the expensive ones. I don’t ever want to go back to one again !
Good to hear you both go home tomorrow 🙂
I love that fridge. “Oh, just getting the little one a jelly and chocolate milk” Nom nom nom. Do you get a TV? I commandeered it last time I was up there and watched New gossip Girl. Inappropriate for a kids ward? More than likely, but it was just me and the Samstar. Glad he’s OK and you are too. x
So happy LP’s ok and you’ll all be home tomorrow. Bet Fluffy Pencil has missed you as much as you’ve missed him…
Hospitals are the noisiest places in the world. No wonder patients are so tired all the time. The only good thing about them is that world’s most anxious parent (ie, me) can at least, for one night, know that if *something* happens, then people who know what to do in an emergency are close at hand. Only good thing.
Glad you guys are home soon.
Awww, that’s wonderful! To be home and tonsil free.
Tell LP I had mine out at 26 and everyone know the older you are the worse it is, that should make him feel better!
Won’t make you feel better however because my mother missed out on the suffering.
I am glad he is ok. I am glad his nasty tonsils won’t trouble him anymore. I still remember clutching my two year old’s “blankie” after I left him unconscious on the operating table for surgery last year so vividly. And I remember the tears realising I wasn’t holding him anymore, someone else was. Today was a long day for you. Sleep well. xxx
So glad he is okay, and that you are too.
I am not looking forward to these types of moments on my parenting journey!
Yay for Little Pencil…and a fridge full of ice cream and icy poles! Though I reckon you’ll get better quality when back home – even if you DO have to make your own bed again 🙂
Yay for Little Pencil now able to enjoy a lifetime without having tonsillitis ever again!!! Oh, and the jelly and ice cream is a bonus I’m sure he’ll enjoy in the short term too!