School holidays – love them or loathe them

There’s a lot of things I love about the school holidays. Problem is there’s also I lot of stuff, that I er, am less than partial to . Allow me to explore:

I don’t have to make school lunch and anyone that has ever wrapped a sandwich in greaseproof paper knows the joy of a day off
I have to make real lunch. Real lunch is far worse than school lunch. Somehow being home makes me feel like I have to make more effort. And invariably he will return his plate of freshly prepared food to the kitchen untouched and ask for a sandwich

I get to take Little Pencil to the movies and that is a real treat. Sitting together and sharing a large popcorn is one of life’s greatest pleasures
I have to see Marmaduke. Enough said

We don’t have to stress about homework and I admit that homework places a lot of stress on me. I like to get it done, and I like Little Pencil to be the one doing it. This always causes a bit of conflict so when we don’t have homework I feel particularly stress free
Little Pencil has to beat every level on the x-box game. This does not sound hard for me but you have no idea how seriously Little Pencil takes his gaming. The stress? I would rather do fractions homework

I don’t have to do a hundred lifts to school and extra mural activities and I like to think that means less time in the car and in the traffic
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We don’t need to have a freshly laundered uniform every day and this pleases me greatly because I iron school clothes
Little Pencil is likely to change three times in the course of one day. Each change of clothing will need to be washed and I actually iron all clothes

I don’t have to shout about bed time because after all it is holiday time so why should he have to go to bed at a decent hour?
I have to beg, cajole and scream about bed time because no matter what time he goes to sleep he will wake up at 6:30am and if he went to bed late he will be cranky and er, hideous.

I get to spend more time with Little Pencil. Always a plus.
He’d rather be with his friends. Actually maybe that is also a plus….

How do you feel about school holidays?


  1. As a rule, I hate school hols. But gimme school holidays any day over ironing!

  2. A timely post !! As the July school holidays ‘drag’ on they are likely to be the most likely to “bleed” parents’ (let’s not assume all stay at homes are mothers, that’s not PC- no, not the computer) ears and purse/wallet.
    Why? It’s the weather isn’t it!! Unless you are snow bunnies or have enough dosh for a flight to FNQld then you are at the mercies of: cinemas, upsizings, kids going to each others’ houses for day/night means you also have a turn, renting/buying latest DS, WIi, XBox u know what’s, and then there’s the snacks, the ” treat cereals” for the holidays, the unwillingness to “help” at shopping without bribery..
    I could go on, but I’m a grandmother now so I experience school hols in a different way- I see the grandkids more, they have sleepovers here, I take them out for milkshakes & donuts & I get to hear stuff they don’t tell their parents & I get to tell them about when the parents were young.. But more importantly, school holidays do make a space for a collective *sigh* no early starts, no packing lunches, no finding shoe (1) just as kid leaving house, no finding cash for excursion etc
    BTW – until this year I loved school holidays as I was a teacher for 40 years. 🙂

  3. Impressed/horrified that you IRON everything!

  4. How do I feel about school holidays?
    Pretty much exactly the same way as you do.
    Only 3 days to go….I think I can, I think I can. 🙂

  5. We’re only three days in and the shine is already wearing off a bit. But that said, my guys are still young enough to want to spend time with me, we don’t have any form of gaming equipment and, as I’m also a manic school uniform ironer, I enjoy the respite.

    Great post. As with so much about motherhood, school hols have their plusses and minuses.

  6. I love the hols for the lack of routine, the extra time in pyjamas and the extra time with my kids. But, as a Mum working for herself, I often feel conflicted about balancing time for the children with time for my work. The only thing that ever works for me (and I confess I don’t always achieve it) is planning the whole 2 weeks in advance, making sure to sprinkle them with enough fun activities with the kids and enough dedicated time to work – then, having committed to that, it somehow relaxes me more. And ironing – I don’t do it in or out of school hols!

  7. You iron everything? Gasp! Wash your mouth out in soap!
    Seriously, I’m a bit like you. There are huge pluses – spending more quality time with them, not having to do homework etc. But our house is always the one that seems to end up with extra children, meaning extra food, more fights, and loads more mess.
    Plus, they seem to go through growth spurts with every holiday, or perhaps that is just because they can access food on demand rather than having to wait for meal breaks.
    I don’t know about the kids, but I’m pretty exhausted, and will need a holiday to get over their holiday!

  8. Haha, great post! I don’t yet have my eldest in primary school (not long now, not long now) but even him being off from kinder (5 hours/week) is impacting us…he can’t wait to get back to his friends. Which, I agree, is a good thing.

    When I have asked a few Mums near me how they’re going with their (primary school aged) kids home on school holidays, I’m answered with groans, rolling of eyes…then a brave smile and “yeah, it’s going okaaaayy.”

  9. God I had to sit through Marmaduke too. CGI dog dance anyone? It guess it wasn’t *that* bad. Convincing?

    I hear you on every one. Although, the kids are in vacation care this week which kind of allows me to make a claytons lunch. A few bags of chips (never allowed at school) and some cupcakes.

    And of course, just to round out the holidays, Monday is a pupil free day here in QLD. Because 2 weeks just wasn’t enough. Were there pupil free days when we were kids?

    Great blog 🙂

  10. I can relate to all matters mentioned above.

    I don’t mind school holidays actually – but I do get a bit over, ‘What can we do now, Mum?’ But that’s just payback, because I used to do that with my Mum.

    My friend’s mother had the right idea. When my friend and her brothers would go to her and say they were bored, she’d say, “Right. I have some jobs for you then. The toilet needs cleaning, the leaves raked outside…” and BAM my friend and her brothers would suddenly be busy doing something.

    I’m SO using that. 😉

  11. I generally have a love/hate with school holidays but have loved this one. My hub took the whole two weeks off and took our boys to the snow. I went up for the first bit, then came back home for a week. Two girlfriends were in town and moved in with me and we pretended we were 23 again. Then I went back up for the last bit. I actually hate the snow so this suited me fine. They are all great skiiers now. Much better than me (not hard!). These school hols have been a breeze for me. Loved them!

  12. Anonymous Friend says

    Stop ironing.
    Love, Anon.
    P.S. Kerri Sackville doesn’t iron any of her clothes. Just saying…

  13. As a mum of a full-on 4 year old preschooler (I have get used to that term…I’m still referring to him as a toddler sometimes, maybe because his behaviour often resembles that of a Terrible Two with extra powers) I am willing next year on – the beginning of Big School! He is in denial about attending 5 days a week. ‘Oh no,’ I affirm. ‘It is DEFINITELY the full week. For sure.’ Is it too early to start looking into school holiday programs?

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