The most annoying habit on earth

It started off so innocently as it so often does. Unfortunately it hasn’t ended on the same high note (so to speak).

Little Pencil  has learned to whistle.

I still can’t whistle properly so when my son started experimenting with sucking air through his tongue with dogged concentration I was pretty confident that it would takes ages before he mastered the whole control of air thing and actually emitted a sound.

Maybe it’s because he practised 22 hours a day, maybe it’s because he concentrated harder than is strictly normal for a person learning to whistle or maybe it is because he spent hours gazing at other whistlers and mimicking their facial movements but it didn’t take him long to get the sound.

Now when I say he can whistle I don’t mean he can play a melodious tune.  Oh no that would be bearable.  What he can do is make a piercing hideous sound that is shrill, sharp and painful.  And he can make it often.

He has taken to whistling, well ALL THE TIME.

He whistles in the car on the way to school, he whistles in the bath, he whistles while he is playing on the computer.  He whistles when he breathes for God’s sake.  While he is watching TV, while he is meant to be sleeping, while he is meant to be eating and generally whenever he feels like annoying me it.
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He has made worse noises (he learns the clarinet after all) and he has had worse habits (he bit his nails for about three months) but somehow this one is the one that seems set to destroy me.

I am trying so hard to understand that whistling is a huge milestone for a little boy (at least that is what my husband tells me) and that I should just try and ignore it and let him whistle away but Lord I hate the sound of that whistle.   I don’t want to constantly tell him to stop because some part of me thinks that telling him to stop whistling is like telling him to stop being carefree and happy and so I spend a lot of time trying to run away from him.

When he is sitting and doing his homework and whistling I try to secretly escape to my room.  When I hear the whistle getting louder I run to the kitchen.  When he comes into the kitchen whistling  I sneak out the door.  He invariably catches up with me when I am about to huddle under the trampoline with earplugs in.

And without fail he says to me “hey mom, listen to this – I can whistle”.

Sensitive to my hatred of his whistling? Er not quite. Maybe I am being too subtle …

Do your kids have a habit that annoys you? Something that causes you to want to run outside and hide under the trampoline?


  1. You are sensitive to sounds..yes?
    I do not blame you.
    I imagine that now LP is a double digit boy he is developing and
    Exploring manly habits.
    This is a rite of passage.
    I don’t have an annoying habit of a child to tell you about.. Oh yes,
    One. The boy who became a man and still didn’t leave home till 25.
    A very annoying habit.
    I understand from other posts that you have said LP will not leave home for
    considerable time…has the whistle helped you change your tune? (geddit)?

  2. peskypixies says

    oh i hear you….
    a long time ago my No 1 would hum……
    she hummed morning, noon and night and i feared it would end in bloodshed (ie me stabbing my ears so I could no longer hear her)

    I did tell her to shut up coz it drove me batty…………
    it ended….
    now she sings which is MUCH better as she really can sing………

    keep chanting *this too,shall pass……..this too,shall pass……..this too,shall pass……..this too,shall pass……..this too,shall pass……..this too,shall pass……..this too,shall pass……..this too,shall pass……..*

  3. At my house, it’s humming. Was the Star Wars theme, over and over and over again. Now the Harry Potter theme, over and over and over again. I am discouraging whistling. Strongly.

  4. OH My goodness, yes. I have 2 kids who awake each day with verbal diarrhoea and this continues until well after bedtime. Miss 4 has begun her endless string of repetetive questioning, each answer merely giving rise to the next question, which is to be expected.

    With the boy, if it’s not talking, it’s humming. If it’s neither of the above, it’s the sound of gaming on his DS. For a while he was even spouting fake Italian gibberish a la Mario. He’s the one with the problem, I’m the one who wants to commit myself. Your trampoline idea is a good one. This is where I will be hiding after school pick up time.

  5. Our little pencilette is only 3 months, so most things are wonderful. However, one habit she does have is that I think she has been born with a gyroscope installed. She can be fast asleep whilst you’re holding her, and as soon as you lay her down, she’s wide awake again. Every. Time. Makes doing things in general very very difficult.

  6. Well my ten year old thinks she’s some kind of rapper who has to rap about everything that’s happening “I’m brushin my teeth, the toothpaste’s on the floor, I’m scrubbing at the gums, making them raw.” It get’s pretty old pretty fast!!

  7. I thought the whistling was bad until we had fake burping, too much of which can create real vomiting.

    I was begging him to bring back the whistle then.

  8. Have been through the whistling stage. Yes, I so understand!!! My darling daughter finally left that stage. Now she hums when she eats…. I am very tempted to ask her “can you whistle?”

  9. Oxitosina says

    Try a 12yr old daughter that sings (loudly) ALL THE TIME. Mostly in key, but sometimes….

  10. This post is HILARIOUS!!!! I feel your pain. Several months ago my six year learned how to snap his fingers. For three weeks that’s all he did….literally. He snapped his fingers while watching tv, while eating, while bathing, while peeing. During baseball practice he stood in the middle of the field and snapped. He snapped while he was laying in bed supposedly trying to go to sleep. I argued….how can you sleep if you’re snapping??? Ahhhhh, the joys of motherhood! The only advice I can give is to enjoy them while they are little. Enjoy the joy of their new discoveries & talents. I also have a 19 year old who has run off to college and there are days I would give anything to hear the noises of his childhood again!

  11. One never stops talking; one clicks her fingers; and one hums in a high tuneless nasal drone whenever she is happy. Which is almost all the time. By late afternoon, I’m wearing my iPod. By the end of school holidays, I’m thinking about taking a long drive to the country and leaving them in a field.

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