Allow me to give you some advice: If you insist on entertaining on the weekend do not do it on a Sunday afternoon for lunch. The problem with Sunday lunch is that it literally takes the whole week. Well it does for me.
Monday and Tuesday I spend worrying whether I have invited the right combination of people. Whether they will talk, like each other, eat the food and go home before dinner.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I am consumed with menu decisions – sometimes I have difficulty sleeping because I can’t decide on which salads to make. It’s quite a serious condition and I have been known to pore over recipe books in bed deliberating for hours and trying to recall past gatherings wondering which salad I made last and who has tasted what before. Do not even start me on dessert. That takes up all my daylight hours. All of them.
Some of Fridays hours are also spent worrying about the weather and alternating between WeatherZone and the BOM hoping for different and sunnier outcomes.
Saturday it starts in earnest – shopping to be done, cooking to be started and house to be cleaned. Although why I clean the house before I cook in it so that I have to clean it again after I have cooked I am not quite sure. Call me crazy – remember I don’t sleep for worrying over salad.
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Saturday night plans need to be shelved for, I’m not quite sure what – but doing general cooking stuff always seems to take me way into Saturday night.
Oh and then there’s the actual day of the function. Sunday morning is a nightmare. Wake up early morning to clean the house AGAIN and try find a place for the golf clubs that your husband has decided he needs. Oh okay that’s just me and yes, I am a tiny bit bitter – who buys stuff when there is no where to store it and what the hell is wrong with the boot of the car for golf clubs?
Then just when you think you can relax the guests arrive and you have to entertain them and feed them. That takes up all of Sunday afternoon when you are left to clean AGAIN.
Cautionary extra piece of advice: If you have a big party on the Sunday afternoon before a public holiday you will also spend that public holiday cleaning up. Somehow it just happens.
So my weekend was fun. How was yours?
I feel your pain! I had visitors over on Saturday night. All week spent worrying, shopping, cooking, tidying up. Saturday – more cooking, get the stuff out to serve, send the hubby down to Franklins a couple of times for the stuff you forgot about. Saturday night, trying to remember if I left anything in the fridge, did everyone have enough to eat and drink etc. Sunday spent tidying up, washing up, putting away. Finally today I could actually enjoy the long weekend – shame about all the rain 🙂
I cannot tell you the amount of times I have opened the microwave on a Monday and found something in there that I was meant to serve . Once I opened a cupboard THREE DAYS AFTER I had people around and found a cake which I had quickly hidden in a cupboard before the guests arrived in an attempt to make the house appear clean. Ooops
I am EXACTLY the same. Which is why I decided to do a no-fuss party today. I provided the party pies and Passiona, everyone else brought a plate. Fun time had by all. I may never host a lunch again! But wow were the noise levels high. I’d been hoping all the kids could burn off energy in the backyard. Instead they took chunks out of my fireplace and stomped caramels into the floorboards.
I have a lot to learn from you, literally 😉
I blame the hideous weather for high noise levels which are my second worst thing after cleaning up the house all weekend.
Erm, I should have explained that it was an “Aussie food” themed party – hence the party pies and Passiona. Not the usual thing I serve. See you tomorrow!
So how do you think you’d go on My Kitchen Rules then Lana?