10 completely non-medical signs that you have a chest infection

chest infectionThis is not the first time this has happened to me: I get sick before I go on holiday. Some would say it’s psychosomatic, to them I would so psychosomatic, shmychosomatic, I feel awful. So awful that I went one step further than Googling my symptoms and actually made an appointment to see my doctor. On my  first visit she  told me I should rest and drink plenty of fluids and on my second visit, when I felt infinitely worse, she made a weird shape with her mouth when she listened to my chest and PATTED ME before prescribing anti-biotics, puffers, nasal sprays and various other goodies. I like to think her patting me was a way of saying “sorry I dismissed your cough on your first visit”.

Anyway, to make her job a lot easier and to identify a chest infection without having to listen to chest crackles that make your mouth go into a weird shape, I am bringing you the 10 completely non medical signs that indicate you do indeed have a chest infection:

  1. You feel like you are walking in custard but without the benefit of creamy sweetness all around you
  2. You fall asleep just after waking up in the morning and can hardly complete even the smallest task without needing a giant nap afterwards. At night you are awake the entire time
  3. You are more or less shamed into being in public because your cough scares people
  4. Your chest feels like it is full of sticky sushi rice (trust me on this one – it is a very accurate description of the feeling of the current state of my chest)
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  6. You start to sweat profusely every time you cough. Or move
  7. You’re always about thisclose to throwing up
  8. You have to look at what other people are wearing to gauge the weather because you’re always hot
  9. People comment in how awful you look. This is often thinly disguised as concern for your health but the savvy player knows these people are just horrified at how bad you look.
  10. Related to the above: any attempt at wearing blush will make you look like a sad and pathetic clown
  11. You look up your symptoms on Google and it will be apparent that you have lung cancer or congenital heart disease

You can thank me tonight when I’m awake – right now I’m sleeping.  I HAVE to be better by Wednesday.


  1. Sticky sushi rice – hilarious! Oh Lana, you poor thing. I can relate on the googling diagnoses…I do it all the time! Hope you feel much better soon xx PS Love the pic of sick teddy!

  2. Jane Michaels says

    Lana, your great sense of humour still shines through, but your grammar/spelling is not up to the usual standard. Not a critism, really not meant to offend. Just purely a comment from someone who greatly admires your work but can see you are not operating on all cylinders. Get well soon. X

    • OMG Jane you are right, I just read through it and got sicker! Thank you xxxx

      (Tried to fix some of it but then I had the overwhelming urge to nap)

  3. I’ve only ever had one chest infection in my life and that was after returning from a month overseas. I remember coughing when I was dropping my son at preschool. One of the other mums (who is a doctor) turned around and said “That doesn’t sound too good!” I knew it was time to go see my GP. Hope you feel better soon 🙂

  4. Oooh love! You hurry up and shake this shit! Sending healing thoughts your way right now

  5. I hope you feel better soon Lana. Being sick is No Good.


  1. […] other day when I went to the chemist to fill my rather large prescription for the dreaded chest infection I had acquired, the pharmacist asked me if I was on any other medications. As I started to reel off […]

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