At the very same time that my hair experienced its dirtiest day ever I awoke to find that we had no hot water. And it gets worse – I had just hosted a mammoth lunch (well we didn’t serve mammoth but you get the drift) and we had lots of washing to do – washing of platters that don’t fit in dishwashers. And to add insult to injury Little Pencil had a very sore tummy and it’s a known fact that nothing works better on a sore stomach than a hot bath.
But the taps were cold. Freezing in fact. Could it be possible that the cold water in the taps was colder than normal? Because it certainly felt that way.
It was raining and hideous outside and perhaps because of the weather or maybe because it was a public holiday, no one wanted to come over and tinker with our hot water system. We phoned plumbers, gas people, friends, family, people who knew plumbers, I even suggested we phone a friend who is an electrician “just in case”. All of a sudden no one needed the money – the plumbing economy is obviously very good if you can just say “tomorrow” to a crying man. (Mr Pencil was hyperventilating at the thought of missing his VERY long shower).
I filled the kettle about 56 times to fill the bath. It was too rainy to go to a friend for a shower and it was quite an interesting experiment to see how many kettles it takes to fill the bath. It’s a lot in case you’re interested. I washed my hair in a puddle and the rest of the family went to bed dirty. That would serve the plumber right when he came the next day and everybody stank.
I went to work and Mr Pencil arranged to meet the plumber. He called me after the deed was done and explained some very complex story about power points and outages and things that I didn’t care about. Bottom line – it was fixed, hot water was flowing in abundance from our taps.
That is until I got home from work and switched the tap on. Nothing. Not nothing really – but nothing hot, or even warm.
I called the plumbing company – they told me it was fixed. I told them it might have been fixed at some point but it wasn’t working now. She said she’s get the plumber to call me back.
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15 minutes later I called her back. I am not very patient. She told me she’d call me as soon as she had heard from the plumber, he’d come back tomorrow. “oh no”, I said. “I’m not waiting till tomorrow – I’m cold and a little smelly”. She said she’d call back later.
It was 5:30, I called her again.
I called her at 6:00 and then 6:15. At 6:30 I might have mentioned the Department of Fair Trading.
At around 6:45 Mr Pencil seethed into the house. He stomped off check the power point where the plumber had been working.
It was switched off.
NICE Mr Plumber. Very Nice. Do you know how hard it was for me to call back and eat humble pie? But surely you check the power before you leave?