All I want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is will power.  That’s odd because I don’t celebrate Christmas at all and I know that you can’t be given will power.  But I am hoping for it anyway.

Every night I go to bed with the clear understanding that the next day I will be “good”.  I will eat fruit and when I tire of that I will chomp on vegetables , I’ll drink tons of water and I wont even go into the same room as a chocolate bar or a bagel

Every morning I go wrong.  And then I continue to go wrong.  And when afternoon comes and I get home from work, in between preparing dinner, winding down, eating dinner and going to sleep – I eat the contents of the kitchen.

I go to  Weight Watchers and I understand the programme better than some of their “leaders” do. I know that I am eating to cover a raft of emotional stuff – I just don’t know how not to do it.
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I think I used all my will power up when I gave up smoking, and although that’s a worthy cause I wouldn’t mind a drag or two of a cigarette in return for having a day where I don’t feel awful about the food that I am literally shoving into my face.

I don’t need diet tips, and I don’t need to be told that I am an obsessive emotional eater – I know all that.  I don’t want to hear about the therapy I need to stop myself punishing myself with food and I don’t want to hear little tips like filling myself with water and leaves so that I wont want to eat.  I don’t even want to be told that I don’t need to lose weight.

I just want some will power.  Got any to share?

The 11 things you need to know before you go Christmas shopping

I am not trying to be The Grinch and I am not out to insult Christmas shoppers. In fact, I’m trying to help them because even though I don’t celebrate Christmas I do have occasion to go to the shops in December. And I think Christmas shoppers need a little, er guidance so that I can be a lot um, quicker.

I spend quite a lot of time at the shops  because I buy Christmas presents for every adult that comes into contact with Little Pencil during the year  (but that is a post for another day). But, because my fellow shoppers seem to have no idea what they are doing, I am forced to spend a lot more time at the shop then I am entirely comfortable with

And so I have compiled a list of Christmas shopping guidelines to help out all the Christmas shoppers.  Here you go:

  • Shop online
  • Do not stand and examine your purchases at the bottom of the escalator. Examine them in the shop, preferably before you buy them and definitely before you get them gift wrapped
  • Do not try and span your family and friends across the entire walking path. I am not suggesting that you walk in single file. Wait.  Actually I am.
  • Do not sing along to the carols.  It irritates the people around you and makes you seem slightly insane
  • Do not give your   parcels their own seats in the coffee shop. Just don’t.  Such a close relationship with something that you are going to give away is not good for you
  • Do not make a big production about the colour ribbon the assistant chooses to use on the gift you are giving away.  Remember – you are giving it away. And you don’t get to keep the ribbon.
  • Do not attempt to pay for your Christmas gifts with the coins from your children’s piggy banks (unless you have counted out the money at home and placed it in bank bags in handy denominations).  Even if they are buying the present for their sibling or for you – help them out with real money
  • Do not write your Christmas cards at the counter where you are paying. Ever.  Even if it is a birthday card
  • If you are going to buy a whole lot of gift vouchers in varying denominations for an array of different people – bring a clear list that you have prepared at home. And stick to it
  • Remember that the shop assistants do not know what your uncle wants.  It is likely that they have never met your uncle
  • Shop in November. Early November

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Any rules that you can add?  Any hideous shopping experiences that you want to unload?

I don’t like cricket, I hate it

I know that this may be a highly controversial post but I don’t believe it is my writing or my reasoning that will cause the controversy – I think it will be the assenting comments.

I doubt I am alone when I say I don’t enjoy cricket.  Yup I said it and my Australian passport did not spontaneously combust.  And my South African family have not disowned me.

  • I hate that cricket and wicket rhyme.  What other sport needs a rhyme to remind you what you need to do?  Have you ever heard of a wennis, or a wootball? No ? I thought not.
  • I hate that my husband will not look up from the TV for 5 days although to me it looks like he is just watching the grass grow. I only know that’s not what he’s doing because occasionally he swears out loud or claps jubilantly. I am quite sure new shoots of grass would not elicit that response
  • I hate that my entire Saturday morning is spent watching the grass grow live! And yes I am watching the grass grow because, although I love to watch my son play sport, I do not understand the game very well.  For instance yesterday  morning I heard them all clapping and cheering his name.  I looked up at the field and there was lot of backslapping and hoisting of Little Pencil.  I thought it was because he is so sweet – but apparently it was because he took a wicket (not to be confused with a woccer which you don’t score at soccer)*
  • I hate that as the chief of washing clothes in this house* I have to wash a white cricket uniform.  Why on earth would they put boys who skid all over the grass while chasing a red ball, in a white pair of pants?
  • I hate that I try to escape the  cricket in the house only to be accosted by it on Twitter.  And worse it is not just dull people wearing beige, cream, off white, ivory and white that are tweeting about the cricket – it is actual people in colour.  That I like.
  • I hate that I can’t listen to the radio that I like because I don’t have a digital radio and Richard Glover and James Valentine are regularly replaced by ridiculously boring cricket commentary on analogue radio.  It is one thing to watch the grass grow – but to listen to it on the radio?  That just makes absolutely no sense
  • I really don’t like a game that does not clearly define who is winning and who is losing right from the beginning.  I need to know this in order to have any sense of engagement with the game.  Every time I ask my husband who is winning a match he looks at me as if I am a little slow.  I think that is ridiculous considering he can usually only answer my question at the end of the day or sometimes even worse, , five days later
  • I think that a game that has a “tea break” is just poncy
  • It takes sooo long.  No-one ever said “let’s play a quick game of cricket” with a straight face
  • There are positions in the cricket game like “third man” and “silly mid off”.  I think that speaks for itself
  • I was once bitten by cricket.  I loved Hansie Cronje, the late great South African cricketer.  I stayed up all night watching him cheat while my husband went to sleep!  It turns out that “the devil made him do it**. Or at least that is what he says.  And maybe that explains it all

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So do you love cricket? Do you even understand it? Will you explain it more patiently than my husband did?

*see first point

** the devil made Hansie cheat but it also made my husband go to sleep in the middle of a match

Why I didn’t take a picnic blanket to the Botanical Gardens

Before my son was born I was a corporate girl, I worked long hours, I loved my job and I had a good life.  I was comfortable in my corporate gear, my 9am –  9pm days, my life of high rises and after work drinks.

When I eventually had a baby I was happy to leave North Sydney behind, the commute across the bridge every day, the long hours and the countless powerpoint presentations. I was delighted to be living a life of nappies and breastfeeding,  toddler antics and toys.  I loved being home with Little Pencil as he grew up.  Although  I did miss the after work drinks.

I was really fortunate when Little Pencil got a little older and I started to do some work from home.  I was able to work while he slept and at night when I should have been sleeping.  Then when he went to preschool I took on more work, more hours and more adult stimulation.

But I always worked from home.  I never HAD to get out of pyjamas (although the kindy teacher would have baulked at my Garfield pyjamas at drop off time).

On occasion I had a meeting out of the house, once or twice I even had to attend a conference and for a very short period of time I worked two days a week in a job share position in a real office where pyjamas were frowned upon.  But I wasn’t fulfilled in my work, I didn’t feel like I was working, I felt like I was a mother passing time.

But now I am working full time.  I go into the office three days  and I work from home two days a week.

Yesterday was a work at home day but I attended a seminar at the Art Gallery of NSW in the afternoon.
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I drove to the gallery and as I turned down the road with the Botanical Gardens on my left and the Harbour beyond that, past the Andrew Boyd Charlton pool and the Woolloomooloo wharf on the right I forgot for a minute who I was.

I made a mental check: did I have suntan lotion? Then I remembered that I wasn’t going to need to put suntan lotion on Little Pencil as he was at school and I certainly wasn’t going to need it myself in an air conditioned auditorium.  I panicked when I remembered that the picnic blanket was not in my boot, then I realised that the rest of the seminar attendees would probably move to have me arrested if I walked in and tried to spread a picnic blanket over their heads.

It was a strange feeling walking past the park without my Little Pencil, it was weird walking through the Gallery without Little Pencil’s small hand in mine. I felt like a traitor in the park with high heels and no child.  I felt like everybody at the seminar knew that I was just a mum without my child.

But they didn’t.

They never knew I had a high bounce hand ball,  a Nintendo Gameboy and a Kinder Surprise in my bag.  They never knew I was looking at the clock to see what Little Pencil was doing as I listened to the presentations.  They never knew that I was a mother – they just saw me as a woman at work, at a seminar at the Gallery.

My mother role and my career role briefly collided in the Gallery yesterday and I came out thinking how lucky I am to have the best of both worlds.

Are you Teflon or are you sticky?

I am a very sticky person.  You only need to tell me one of your quirks, your worries or your superstitions and it will stick with me.

If someone tells me that they believe that eating from plastic containers is bad for you I usually glare at them like they are a bit strange. I try to make up some scientific reason why they are wrong and I am right and then when they leave I start to feverishly read through millions of pages of Google searches.  I usually end up hurling my entire plastic collection into the bin.  This happens each time I am told of something in my kitchen that is killing me.  Luckily though for Coca Cola Australia and Maldon I cannot be spoken out of diet coke or copious amounts of salt.

I know other people that are sticky like me but in different areas. For instance there are people that allow other people’s moods to stick to them.  I once worked with someone who could best be described as vapour.  She was without any substance of her own but she would take on whatever the general mood of the office was.

On Monday Vapour would  arrive without any personality or mood of her own and  within ten minutes of being in the office she would have a hangover  just like everyone  else.  If someone was angry she was angry until she went to lunch with someone that was happy.  There was a time when three of the girls in the office were pregnant. We considered covering her in a condom so that she didn’t take on their pregnancy.

A friend of mine  works with someone who she claims is Teflon. Whatever is going on at the office she escapes it – absolutely nothing sticks to her. The entire company can be brought before the CEO in shackles (not that I think this happens often) but somehow the CEO will tell her to wear ballet shoes and dance to the kitchen to avoid the meeting.  If she does something that is wrong and it affects the company’s performance or impacts other people in a negative way,  she always manages to slide off  the blame – she just won’t wear it.  She really is very Teflon.

They have set here are the findings purchase cialis online their minds that once get trapped by this sexual dysfunction they can’t be relieved from the acidic impacts. These inhibit PDE5 enzymes relating to viagra samples limpness of reproductive organ, and enhances cGMP enzyme through chemical messenger, nitric oxide. Epsom salt can be used in hot or cold tub soak, hot is find for more info pharmacy on line viagra recommended in winter. Erectile dysfunction medications that require prescriptions are usually stronger, and can require the attention of this technique would be the quick turnaround of the Apple repair in Scottsdale, you should be able to get your license for the first time, you will not be subject to the same restrictions tadalafil side effects as minors. I am sure that everybody knows a Teflon kid that they went to school with.  The Teflon kid was the one that NEVER got into trouble.  She regularly spoke in class, she passed notes when the teacher wasn’t looking , she wore her hem way up way past the regulation length and she rolled her socks so low down that they almost crept back into her shoes but she NEVER got into trouble.  The sticky kid however once passed a note and got a detention.

I’m sure that state of mind dictates how sticky you are or how much Teflon coating you are covered with,  I know that when I am feeling low I tend to take more stuff on and that when I am in a happier place it is easier to let things slide.  And I am pretty sure that you can be very sticky in some areas and Grade A Teflon in others,  I just wish there was something other than Maldon salt and diet coke that I was Teflon about.

What about you – are you Teflon or are you sticky?



Why would you take the contents of your home on holiday?

Mr Pencil and Little Pencil have gone camping to some place that sounds like the residential address of Dr Seuss.  I have elected not to go because I do not relish the idea of giving up a night’s sleep to the great outdoors, even if the great outdoors is cordoned off by a canvas tent.  I am rather partial to walls.  And floors and ceilings, not to mention a bed with linen and soft pillows.  Oh and a bathroom with hot and cold taps and a kitchen with a fridge and coffee maker…..

So, because I like living indoors with access to provisions I was not even consulted on the preparation for camping.  Apparently indoorsy people like myself do not know how to cater for a camping trip.  And I can see why – after my husband had put aside the provisions he needed for TWO nights not including food or clothes, I breathed a a grateful sigh of relief that I was not assigned to be his Sherpa .  Believe me it was a lot of stuff to take with you when you are going away for a weekend.  I mean if you were going to work for two months and your job was to create an outdoor conference centre from, scratch and you had to provide your own supplies, and this is what you were taking, I’d get it.  But for a weekend away  ?  No.

Then I noticed a sheet of paper, covered in writing.   No white spaces remained.  This was the list Mr Pencil had made himself so that he did not forget anything.  Let’s just say that the sheet of paper was big enough that he could have used it as a tablecloth.  That seems like a lot of things to remember for a weekend away.

Mr Pencil was assigned the job of catering for two breakfasts on the trip (he is camping with lunch and dinner makers) so he took two aisles of Coles with him as well.  He also took a wardrobe full of clothes for Little Pencil in case it was cold, hot, snowed, rained, or indeed if the weather was mild.  He seemed to forget that he was going away for two days and that we have access to the Bureau of Meteorology website.

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I reminded him that he also had to fit Little Pencil in the car.  His face fell even further.

I know that some people love camping and clearly I am not one of them but I just cannot understand why you have to take so much stuff to get away from everything.


I have a problem with beauty products

I have a favourite perfume.  It is  Addict by Dior just in case you would like to surprise me with some aromatic gifts. But don’t stack up for my next birthday yet.  I am very easily influenced and am likely to change my mind if you offer me something better, or even just different.

In fact as I write this post I am forced to look at the most hideous colour nail polish you have ever seen.

I went to the Dior counter to buy said perfume and there was a gift with purchase if you bought two products.  I bloody love a gift with purchase and when the woman at the counter told me the gift was a little silver bag with a new mascara “that really really lengthens the lashes” I almost fell over her trying to get my second item and gift with purchase.

I took a look at my nails as I grabbed the gift with purchase and they were looking particularly seedy so I told her I thought my second item should be a nail polish.  The lovely Dior lady handed me a shade of nail polish and told me I would love it.  I believed her for some reason I cannot explain. Although she knows nothing about me, what I like, what I wear, what I do – I believed she knew that I would love the nail polish so I bought it.

It is awful and I hate it.  Oh and the mascara that “really really lengthens the lashes” is no different to any of my other mascaras that really don’t do anything other than colour my stumpy lashes.

The problem is I am very easily influenced when it comes to beauty products.  Which is weird because I am the biggest cynic when it comes to anything else. I regularly read the packaging on food and I laugh hysterically – for instance I have just made my husband a cup of tea – the tea is described as a green with “with the luscious flavours of strawberries and cream”.  I know that the tea will taste of tea leaves.  Nothing else.  I know that tea doesn’t taste like strawberries and cream and I know that this is a good thing.  But if someone told me that you could use the tea to shrink your pores and smooth your wrinkles – I would buy it

I believe the women who stand in the department stores spruiking their expensive potions know everything there is to know about developments in beauty science, I briefly choose to forget that they are getting paid to sell their product and they really just want to help me by giving me smooth wrinkle free skin , sleek shiny hair and perfectly long eyelashes.

And if you leave me near a magazine I am likely to go into some sort of trance by changing my mind completely every time I turn the page.
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This blind faith in the beauty industry goes against everything I know to be right.  I know they “exaggerate the truth”, I know they use lyrical language and pretty packaging to lure me in.  I know they pray on my insecurities but they look so good and they promise so much.  And what if they do work ?

I have paid ridiculous amounts for potions and lotions to make my freckles disappear .  When I enquired of my husband whether he thought it had made a difference he said he didn’t realise that I had freckles in the first place.

I have put what I can only describe as acid in a gorgeous container on my eyelashes to promote their growth.  My eyelashes are the exact same length as they started only my eyelids are sorer.

I have tried almost every lipstick known to mankind to come to the realisation that my lips are resistant to colour and any colour that I do try will last approximately 14 seconds.

I have tried  blue eyeliner, green eyeliner, black and purple eyeliner, even white and silver eyeliner.  I know that eyeliner cannot change the size or shape of my eyes but I am prepared to try.

I have tried all these things and none have worked as promised.  Yet tomorrow if I see a promise of long eyelashes and smooth skin  my faith will be renewed.

I think I may have a problem.  Do you think there is a cream for it?

You cannot cure schizophrenia

I don’t want to write an anti- government post. Wait, that’s not true.  I want to write how angry I am with the government, the mental health system and the fact that there is no long term for care for people with mental illness in this country.  And no, allowing mentally ill people  to live in hostels with no medical supervision or no follow up and having people living on the streets is not considered long term care in my book.

My brother-in-law is schizophrenic.  If his illness were physical he would be in a hospital, he’d have 24 hour care and people would flood his room with love, flowers and good wishes.  But his illness is mental.  So he is alone and scared .  And he is not in a hospital.  In fact he is in between homes AGAIN.

He is often between homes because he is sick. Would this happen if his illness were physical? Of course not, but because his illness is mental he behaves inappropriately and he gets evicted from whichever place his parents have found him to live.  I am not having a go at the numerous landlords who have evicted him,   I know he is hard work. I know that they cannot put up with the erratic and often alarming behaviour.  He is one of my family and I find it hard.

He has not one friend in the world and he cannot hold down a job.  His days are a nightmare of medication induced sleep and loud and menacing voices that only he can hear. He is a man you would see in the street and dismiss as being a homeless addict but he is my husband’s brother.  He is a son, an uncle and a very kind and generous soul. He used to be an energetic and charismatic person but his disease has taken his personality and whipped it into a scared (and sometimes scary) person.

The toll that the disease has taken on him is as clear as the mess it has left in its wake. My husband and his family are in a state of perpetual worry.  They  agonise about the man they love and they don’t know how to help him.

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The private hospitals wont treat him.  In fact the last time he spent three nights in a private hospital they sent him home saying he was not sick enough to be there –  the next day he was arrested for assault.  Seems sick enough to me.  Then he was evicted from his home again and he cried because he didn’t understand why.

I watch my husband filled with despair about his brother and my heart goes out to him.  I see the pain and concern in his eyes and I want to tell him that he’ll be okay, that we’ll look after him.  But it wont be okay and we cannot look after him because he is too sick and he needs psychiatric care.

I wonder what goes on in my brother-in-law’s head.  But, when I see him listening intently to sounds that aren’t there or when he starts to tell stories that have no basis in reality I can’t bear to think of it anymore and I can switch off.  He can’t.  He lives this nightmare each and every day.

What are we supposed to do? Where can we get help for him? How can we make this hideous nightmare of a life bearable in the long run?

Pooky and Milton

Most days my little boy is a real boy.  Well actually he is always a real boy anatomically but there are times when he really acts like the stereotypical boy.  He loves wrestling, he is rather keen on standing behind doors and shooting when I walk past (okay this is not sounding so good), he has a ball attached to his foot whenever he walks outside – no, it is not some medical condition that causes him to grow a ball on his foot – he just loves to kick a ball.  He makes fart jokes, he laughs at his father’s pathetic dad jokes and he thinks girls have germs.

All very 9 year old boyish.

But then there are days, like today when he is more in touch with his sensitive side.  Today Little Pencil put aside the x-box and the gameboy. He abandoned the TV and even ignored the lego all in pursuit of the rather large fluffy toy collection that I have stashed at the top of his cupboard.  Admittedly he came to the fluffy toy collection when he was looking for something “big and soft” to wrestle, but that is just where he started.

I took down from the cupboard about 30 fluffy toys – many bears and dogs, an elephant, a tiger or two, a swan and a couple of monkeys and a very special bear and platypus.  Little Pencil lovingly placed the toys on the top bunk and then created some complicated system that the animals could use to climb to the top of the bed.  He was very gentle and caring and compassionate and kind. But I was standing at the door with my hands clenched and my breath held.

In amongst Little Pencil’s collection lie Milton and Pooky.  Milton and Pooky are my oxygen and my water although to the casual observer they look like stuffed animals – in fact a platypus and a bear..  They have been with me for a very long time and they have been with me through some extremely tough times.  Milton is matted with tears (and maybe even a bit of snot from some particularly hysterical bouts of crying) and Pooky is er, he is very well loved and he looks it.

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When it came time to clean up I could not reach the top cupboard to stack them neatly so I asked Mr Pencil to help.  I instructed him that Milton and Pooky should lie next to each other and face forward, not be squashed and have nothing hard on top of them.  They should have room to breathe and to move and they shouldn’t be uncomfortable. He, not being in touch with his sensitive side today, looked at me like I was on drugs.  But he often looks at me like that and I knew he would take good care of “my boys”. He always has.

And now that Milton and Pooky are fast asleep at the top of the cupboard I am remembering how much comfort they offered to me and how much I needed them when I was growing up.  And really – I just want to climb up and bring them back down.

And I would if I didn’t think my dog would eat them.


How I aged at the Kids Choice Awards

Not long ago I was saying how young I felt.

That changed after I went to see the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards on Friday night.  In fact I now feel ancient

We arrived early to see the Orange Carpet.  I heard shrieking and immediately I thought that there had been a huge accident.  I had forgotten that young girls shriek when they see someone on a red carpet, even if the carpet is orange and even if the person is a security guard.

There was a cast of thousands lined up to see the orange carpet.  My friend and I were the eldest people there.  Including the stars and the security personne (and I am older than my friend)

The kids (and by kids I mean the hordes of people under 30 including actual kids) were shrieking and taking photos of anybody that stepped foot onto the orange carpet. I  had no idea who anyone was until the moment I saw Amanda Keller.  I almost wept with joy that I recognised somebody, even if no one else recognised her, she being a radio personality and all. In my day she was a TV person, she presented Beyond 2000.  Yes, I understand the irony in that.

The hordes of people were standing precariously balanced on tables and chairs around this brilliant orange carpet.  I, being the responsible (and um, older)  person worried a lot about the weight of these people on the tables that had clearly been built to hold only food.  I was visibly relieved when security came to tell everyone to get down and I mentally yee-hahed.  I was aghast when the crowds climbed back on as soon as he turned his back.  I was so very tempted to tell them to get down…but I was petrified nobody would listen to me.

One of the lowest points of the night came when we spotted Lincoln Lewis.  I had NO idea who he was, but he was signing autographs and posing for photos so I assumed he wasn’t an audience member. Little Pencil wanted his autograph, as you do when you are nine and everyone else is doing it.  So we fought the crowds and went to get his arm signed (we had not come very well prepared).  Little Pencil is little (hence his name) and he was being ever so polite in trying to get Lincoln’s attention.  I thought it was never going to happen so I kind of er, indicated he was there.  I cringe at the memory.  I may have been a little effusive in saying “please can you sign his arm”. And Lincoln Lewis who must be about half my age, chastised me.  And he told me to “Calm down Mum”.  I am still crimson with shame.

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I tried to point out all the awful things about standing in the mosh pit. Telling children that they would have to stand for the entire performance is not a deterrent.  Nor is telling them they would get covered in slime and be sticky, gooey and probably smelly.

Anyway the security was tight and there was no way they were getting into the slime mosh pit so they adjusted to their plight and ran down to the front of the section in which we were sitting and found themselves “better” seats.  At one point I went down to check on them.  On my way back to my seat I noticed that my friend and I were sitting slap bang in front of the entire cast of Australia’s Next Top Model.

It was around then I started to feel even older than Methusela.

And when I got bored (and tried to hide from the super models sitting behind me), I took out my phone and started checking comments on Mamamia . I felt like I had a starring role in Revenge of the Nerds, then I remembered that everyone around me was too young to remember Revenge of the Nerds.

Have you ever been anywhere that made you feel ancient?