Have you ever bribed your child?

Have you ever bribed your child to sit still and be quiet – I have.  In fact yesterday I spent more on iTunes than most record company moguls spend in a month.  Yes, I understand they don’t actually spend money on iTunes but you get my drift.

I think I have been paying for the ups and downs of being a very disorganised mother


It’s school holidays


It’s school holidays


Little Pencil was going to a friend for the day and I was going to work


Friend’s mum called to say they were busy in the morning


I have the most flexible work arrangements in the universe so I could work from home in the morning and go in later in the day after dropping Little Pencil at his friend


The friend called to say their arrangements had changed could we come in the morning.


Either way was good for me
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Little Pencil caught a tummy bug


It was not very bad


It was bad enough that he could not go to a friend’s house.  Not with my conscience clear.


He could come to the office with me

So there I was at the office with a not very sick child, a lot of work to complete, an iTouch, a novel, not enough snacks and a very frayed mood.  Did I mention  that I am moving house at the end of the week?

My child is an angel, really he is.  But even angels are not so good at sitting in an office for hours on end.

And he tried so hard.  But every time I needed to move he moved with me; every time I needed to concentrate he read aloud to me; every time I needed it to be quiet he sang.  Every time I got cold he would open the door but every time I got warm he would insist on closing the door.  Every time I offered him something to eat he refused but as soon as I got involved in something else he would ask for food.  It was a nightmare and my nerves were frayed.

So I resorted to Bribery 101 and said he could download some apps for his iTouch.  I reckoned I was paying for some peace and quiet and I swatted away my feelings of being a very bad mother, a useless worker and a hideous multi tasker. I just knew that if he had “unlimited” access to downloads I would off the hook for hours.

He downloaded an app and immediately began to beg me to play monopoly on the iTouch.  He literally chased me around my own office with the screen of his iTouch glaring at me furiously.  What kind of cruel monster creates a monopoly application?

We left the office. And I remembered that I had forgotten to give him lunch.

This was the first day of holidays – today was worse.

The end is in sight

As my regular reader knows, I have been renovating.  Well not me actually – I have just been wringing my hands and suffering from tension headaches and a neck so stiff that I have to wear a rear view mirror on a visor to see what is happening behind me.

And now the renovation is nearly over. In fact it is so close to completion that I can almost smell it.  That could however be the smell of wet paint or wood glue or sadly even the compost they have laid over my lawn.  Yes, I have lawn.

It has been an exhausting process for my husband to project manage the build, work a more than full time job and console and placate me when I fall apart over the architrave choices and individual shutter slat sizes, but he has done it admirably and I am deeply in awe of the fact that he is only now falling apart – most men would have crumbled far earlier (particularly when we went over the over budget weeks ago) .  No that was not a typo – we went over the budget more than once.

It has been tedious for Little Pencil who has had to be witness to far to large a display of door handles and light switches for a child of such a tender age.

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It has obviously been a grueling time for the builders because, er they have been building everyday.

And I should be jumping for joy because I can see the finish line and it is shiny and new but all I can think of is the fact that I have to pack and move again.

Brattish much?

Does your child’s teacher think you are a good parent?

It’s been a long time between drinks.  Did someone say drinks? I need one

Last night was parent teacher interview at Little Pencil’s school.

There is nothing quite like having to appear in front of your child’s teacher in a tiny, uncomfortable  blue gray chair.  It is sort of like being summoned to the principal for a performance appraisal.  But worse – because it is not the principal, it’s your child’s teacher.  The person  who gets to spend all day with your child.  The same person  who hears all the things about your life that you try to pretend don’t happen, the same person  who sees what you pack for school lunch and who sees how inadequate you are at maths (this may be something that is exclusive to me).

So last night I sat before the women that teach my children.  I was nervous.  I had a tension headache and my shoulders felt like they were glued to my ears.  My tension was not around my son.  I know that he is doing beautifully at school, I know that he has friends, he is happy and academically he is blitzing it.

I was nervous because I always feel like the teachers are going to be judging me as a parent.  Deep in my heart I hope that this is not true, I even acknowledge that I may be neurotic.  But still there is a whole big part of me that is not deep in my heart that thinks that maybe, because the teachers spend so much time with my child they may think they know things about him that I don’t know.  Or worse, they may think I am a crap mother (you can substitute the word crap with over indulgent, neurotic, irritating, nagging, or even hopeless at math)

You can recommend this cure to people under all age groups. discount viagra He seems to treat energy and transport alternatives as, for the most part being representative of a larger political and economic worldview that unfortunately the President either believes or implicitly accepts as true, energy policy is I believe a critical component for Obama to become a transformational President. viagra pills in india Smoking can lead to a male eventually needing to be treated for erectile dysfunction and taking a drug such as cialis soft , is available in 100mg strength. According to Clarus Transphase Scientific, Inc., the creator of Q-Link, ” This proprietary generic viagra pills technology is comprised of a copper induction coil and a resonating crystalline wafer embedded with life-supporting frequencies. I am not sure why this matters to me at all. But I think back to when I was a teacher.

I was a teacher before I was a mother.  I knew a lot about the children I taught – I just did not know them from the perspective of a parent.  I fear thought that I thought I knew (admittedly I was 22 years old when I was teaching so I thought I knew everything anyway).

Turns out all my neurosis was wasted – the teachers at Little Pencil’s school did not critique my parenting skills.  Hell, they hardly even spoke about me even when I tried to take the conversation there. They did say the most beautiful things about my magnificent child though.

I wish I could go back to being the teacher of the children I taught just for a minute – just to be the kind of teacher that Little Pencil’s teachers were last night.  They made me feel proud of my son and his achievements.  They made me feel like bursting with happiness when they told me of my son’s happiness and delight at learning and they made me feel delighted that I have chosen the school that I have for my Little Pencil.

They did not even mention the fact that I all too often pack a higher treat to food ratio than is acceptable for lunch and they did not once laugh at my inability to do math.

Not a happy camper

Little Pencil is on school camp and I am not a happy camper.  He is , I’m sure.  He is surrounded by friends and having a ball (I hope to God he is anyway – I don’t know because we are not allowed to phone the campsite 78 times a day for some reason I just can’t fathom)

I hate the fact that he is on camp.  I know  it’s good for him, I know he’s happy and excited and well taken care of.  I know that he’s probably not missing me and that he is having an amazing experience, I promise I do know that.  But it’s not about him. It’s about me – I am a wreck.

You see I am a control freak and a smothering mother – not a good combination when your only child goes on school camp

  • I hate the fact that I have no idea what his bed looks like
  • I miss his voice
  • I hate that fact that I don’t know if he is eating
  • I miss his laugh
  • I hate the fact that he can’t be contacted
  • I even miss his nagging
  • I hate the fact that I don’t know what his day entails
  • I miss his cuddles
  • I hate the fact that he is over an hour away from home (don’t laugh – I am feeling sensitive)
  • I miss his persistent chatter
  • The dog is a right off – he’s so confused I can’t get him off Little Pencil’s bed

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But it’s only two days and so I am trying to think about all the good things

  • I don’t miss cooking dinner
  • It’s only two nights
  • I don’t miss packing school lunch
  • I get to bath for two uniterruped hours if I like

Nah, it’s not working – I miss him.

Call me over protective, call me neurotic but please don’t call me till Friday I’ll be sulking until then

Why can’t everyone be like Mick?

At the risk of sounding like a caller on talk back radio (especially in light of the fact that I recently gabbed on about how young I am), I have to ask what on earth has happened to customer service.

Let me fill you in on the back story

As my reader would know I am renovating my house, well I am not renovating it per se – the builder is doing that, I am just doing the stressing.

Everything has been going along really well and apparently we should be delighted at the speed that the work is taking place – that and the fact that there have been no “surprises”.  Well no surprises until we were informed that the floorboards needed to be replaced.

Floorboards are expensive after the mark up that the resellers make and people who sell floorboards stand to make a lot of money from people who they sell to.  People like me and Mr Pencil who have to replace the floors before the builder and his ladder disappear into the huge black holes that keep appearing where the floors used to be.

So we took our bundles of cash (if a credit card is a bundle of cash) and we make for the timber flooring stores.

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Second shop we go to the man stands as we approach. I am briefly filled with joy.  We explain that we are looking for a limed American Oak, his response – “Oh do we supply that?”  Fantastic – he has NO idea.  He then spends 10 minutes telling us that he is very new on the job, doesn’t know the stock and is not sure of the difference between floating and fitted floors.  I briefly think of explaining it to him but my husband convinces me that his boss will give him that training – any month now.

Next we go to a shop with a huge showroom – well actually lots of little rooms all with different floors.  None of the lights have been switched on so you actually can’t see a thing.  The people working there clearly do not believe that they will ever attract a customer, it’s hard to get business when you avoid eye contact at all costs and then give a death stare if someone actually gets your attention.  We stumble around looking for the light switches so that we can see the product and we force someone to help us.  She knows as much about flooring as she knows about lighting – nothing.

Eventually we find a shop where someone is willing to engage with us.  We make a time for them to come to the house and quote on the job.  He walks in a shouts at me that I have terrible floors.  Er, I know this , that is why I am paying you lots and lots of money to give me new floors.  He shouts some more and shakes his head vigorously.  I ask him to just give me a recommendation and a quote – he says he refuses to do the job.  May I just say at this point that the floors are really not that bad.  Thin? Yes?  But so bad as to refuse a job? No.  I don’t think so.

Luckily Adonis, my builder (I call him Adonis – Mr Pencil calls him – actually let’s not go there), has a flooring man come out to see us.  Why he waited until we had pulled all our hair out before he shared this piece of wisdom I am not sure.  Anyway this man – we’ll call him Mick, because that is what his parents called him – walks into the house and says “Okay – let’s do limed oak, let’s do prefinished fitted boards and let’s get this job done on Saturday”.  I immediately get over Adonis and fall in love with Mick.  Fickle ? Yes But I have the coolest floorboards you can imagine and we gave this man the job without even getting a quote.

Why can’t everyone be like Mick?  How hard can it be to want to make your customers happy?

Do you notice the people around you?

On Saturday  night Mr Pencil and I had a rare night out alone, Little Pencil was sleeping at a friend and although we tried to gather some friends to join us – we left it till about 7:30pm and so everyone was already “otherwise engaged”.

It is really not that often that we get to go out just the two of us because Mr Pencil does ever so love a crowd, well not so much a crowd but a larger group to laugh at his jokes and share drinks with him and the truth is, as I often tell my friends, I am sure that people go out with us because of my Mr Pencil.  He is articulate, he is smart, he is entertaining and very funny.  And he is also very friendly.

But on Saturday night I had him all to myself and because we were so amazingly organised we walked the streets of Surry Hills after going to the restaurant we had planned to eat at an hour after they had closed their list,  Side note: what kind of restaurant closes their list at 8:30 and gets a person with shaved hair on one side and waist length hair on the other to tell you this nugget of information?

There we were, him the carnivore and me the vegetarian trying to find a place to feed us and a space to seat us.

We happened along a cute little Italian place that had space at the bar only.  Cool, we were happy to sit at the bar – it meant we are closer to the drinks.    And really we were pretty starving at this point so we would take whatever was given to us.

And there we are sitting at the bar when the two very beautiful girls sitting at the bar next to us started to engage Mr Pencil in polite discussion about his drink, his choice of dinner and his accent.  What is this about?  It is about my husband.  He doesn’t do the two person dinner.  Even if I try.
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They were gorgeous girls and they were interesting too.  And they loved South African accents and so we are both forced to chat to them. It was nothing like a pick up of old, they weren’t actually interested in taking us home to bed (although Mr Pencil may have written this blog post differently in his head) but they were interested in talking to Mr Pencil, er I mean us.

I love to meet new people, I love to hear interesting stories and learn to see things from a different perspective so I  was not to upset that these girls had joined us.  My biggest problem?  The one girl had the same very bad shaved hair on the one side and waist length hair on the other side style!  Try as I might I  could not bring it up with her although I really wanted to .  Mr Pencil?  He didn’t even notice.

Why is that that some people do the noticing while others are noticed?

I don’t think it’s always necessarily about the way you look because even though I think my husband is good to look at, I know that people are attracted to his intellect – he is smart.  And very entertaining.  He is interested in other people but he doesn’t really notice them.  I notice people but seldom get strangers talking to me (although I sometimes talk to them).

So looks aside – do you notice the people around you or do they notice you?

All grown up

I have waited for such a long time to feel all grown up but, at 40 something (something very low), I can safely say that I don’t feel any closer to being there.

With no offence at all to my mother, she was always old.  Not old in a bad way and not even old as in she was 90 when I was born, because obviously she wasn’t, but she was always old in a mature way, she acted like a grown up. I have kept expecting that to happen to me, for me to be grown up like my mother.  In fact I can’t believe that I have a child and I make a vague attempt at running a home and holding down some semblance of a job. I actually only feel about 16.  Sadly I probably look about 56.

I remember when I was a little girl and my mother had friends over – they always seemed to sit on chairs and speak about very sombre, serious and worldly stuff.  When my friends come over I sit on the floor and I talk absolute nonsense, mainly obsessing about what I should eat and then complaining that I eat too much.

I look at teens in their school uniforms sneaking a cigarette outside the service station and I genuinely believe that I am one of them (not that I am at school or that I am a smoker but that I might be a bit of a rebellious teenager).  But I have never been included and in fact none of these people have ever made eye contact with me.  My husband says it is because they see me as an old woman.  I think they can tell that I am just not a smoker.

I like the same music as my 13 year old nephew and I am convinced that my 19 year old niece sees me as her contemporary.  She just doesn’t want me to hang with her and her friends because I am family.  It can’t possibly be because I am old and staid and boring, because I am not.
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My favourite food would have to be plain butter cake with blue icing.  No grown ups like that do they? Do they?

And then the other night I went out and some genuinely young person looked right at me and without a flicker of hesitation, she  said to her friend “Why are there so many old people here tonight?”

I remain shattered.

Seems I may really be grown up after all.  Why is it that I never felt it happen?

Growing up and making bad choices

It is amazing to see my little boy asserting his independence.   There was a lot of money on the chance that I wouldn’t let that happen.  You see I am the quintessential over protective mother.  Other than the fact that he had a hard start to life I am one of those people who does not believe that you have to teach your child to grow up the moment they land on the delivery bed.  I am all for letting my child be a child for as long as he can be (and longer if it means I get extra time with him).

It turns out that all the over nurturing and all the over protectiveness in me cannot stop him from growing up. I see it happening and I can’t stop it.

It started when he told me that he no longer needs me to write him letters with his recess and lunch at school.  I was mildly horrified but I could cope because, in truth finding a different way to say I love you to your son every single day, twice a day without actually spelling it out, is rather tricky.

Then it was the crossing of the roads.  He didn’t want me to hold his hand, this has been a hard one for me to let go being the very anxious mum that I am.  For a while we settled on me having my arm around him.  He believed momentarily that this made him look more adult.  Now I am allowed only to stand very close to him but make no actual physical contact on public roads.  I am okay with this now as he is very responsible.

The freedom that he feels at being allowed to take his scooter and race down the streets is just amazing, worth letting him go just to see that huge smile take over his face.  He positively beams with delight when I ask him if he wants to go to the shop for me.

The other day he told me that he is now old enough to stay in the house by himself because he can make his own toast.  I’ve got to say I was a little bit taken aback that he considered my main input into being in the house with him was that I had the ability to make toast. Nevertheless I did leave him to walk around the block with the dog, and no bread was harmed (or even touched).  He was so inflated with pride that he had grown about 3 cm by the time I got back 2 and a half minutes later.

But on Saturday all this growing up stuff stepped up a notch.  And it went horribly wrong.

Little Pencil and I were strolling through the shops looking for some jeans.  I bumped into a friend and started to chat and about 2 minutes later Little Pencil appeared at my side with the widest smile and an imploring face.  He was bursting with news and was ridiculously happy.  I followed him to find the source of this happiness and there in front of my eyes were the skinniest pair of jeans you have ever seen.  I checked that we were still in the boy’s section.  We were   I checked that they were not shrunken pants. They weren’t.  I checked to see that Little Pencil was being serious. He was.
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He told me that these are the jeans he wants.

I panicked.

He tried them on.

Now, as a little background let me tell you that Little Pencil weighs 19 kilograms.  He is the thinnest person I have ever met.  He wears size three undies, his waist is that small.  But he is perfectly magnificent and looks particularly good in a pair of jeans that give the illusion of him having a bum and legs rather than twigs.

Skinny jeans are baggy on him, but they do not disguise the shape of his body.  He looks like a stick with a head.  A very happy, gorgeous smiling head.

He fell in love with the jeans, thought he looked “too cool for school”.  I paid for them and he came home and posed the entire afternoon.

I cannot believe that my child is growing up, becoming such an independent and confident child, but mostly I cannot believe that he has such terrible fashion sense.

Supermarket saviours

When Little Pencil was a smaller pencil I bought him one of those cash register toys, a fancy one with a bar code scanner attached that made the requisite electronic noises. It was one of my favourite acquisitions perhaps because I always dreamed of being a “check out chick”.  I often watched the women at Coles masterfully scanning packets and boxes, I was full of rapt wonder when the biscuits passed the sensor causing the register to acknowledge the price.  And they always made it look like they were in such control, working with such purpose.  I’ll  admit that this does not paint my childhood in the most idyllic of lights but it definitely talks to my desire for routine and structure.  Oh how I wanted to be the person controlling the scanner.

Nowadays you don’t need toys.  Anyone can play “check out chick” at your local supermarket.  In fact you seldom get a choice, not that you’d ask for one. I always choose the self scan checkout and I’ll tell you that their machinery is a lot more sophisticated than the Fisher Price model.  It’s like reliving that childhood fantasy but you can’t pay with thick yellow discs of plastic as per the home version.

As much as I love playing with the scanner and the cash register I do feel sad for the people that will be losing their jobs through this advancement in retail technology.  Fortunately I see many niche markets that the major chains may have missed where they could create further employment opportunities.

Enviro Bag Reminder

Supermarkets could create a brilliant environmental customer service by having a person roam the parking lots looking for people exiting their cars and approaching the supermarket doors.  Their job would simply be to tap said shopper on the shoulder and say “go back to your car and get the enviro bags in your boot”.  Simple.  I need that person.

Calorie Converter

I recently went on a calorie controlled diet and I could not believe the huge differences in calorific content of even the different types of breads.  If I had a friendly Calorie Converter person (not book or appliance) to point to various products and tell me the calories, fat and sugar content, I would cut my shopping time by at least two hours. This would be a specialised job only available to customers who request it.

Dinner Selector

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The Tall Shelf Selector

Supermarkets could easily provide one tall person per aisle that would rush to the aid of short people who can’t reach the top shelf without unbalancing several shelf displays.  In fact the Tall Shelf Selector would ideally be very flexible and nimble so that s/he could reach the bottom shelves for older people or people with backs problems.

The Lolly Distractor

Not sure how the supermarket would feel about funding this one but perhaps we could get the Dental Society to contribute to this cause.  The Lolly Distractor would have the unenviable task of standing around the queues and diverting children’s attention away from the rows of lollies put there to taunt them.  They would be equipped with balls to juggle, bubbles to blow and all manners of magical equipment prepared by David Copperfield.

Plastic Bag Opener

If you have escaped the Enviro Bag Reminder person in the parking lot you will definitely need the plastic bag opener.  There is nothing more embarrassing than taking 5 minutes to find the opening of your plastic bag.  When there are hordes of people watching how fast you can scan your groceries and you cannot even manage to open the bag, it is really humiliating. Ask me.  I know

Who do you need when you go shopping?

Locked out and ignored

Yesterday I was sitting at home working, feeling stressed and a little wrung out, I thought that the best thing I could do would be to walk the dog.  Break the stress, get some fresh air and indulge Fluffy Pencil’s favourite pastime  – leaving the house.

I grabbed my iPod, my phone and the dog and set off for a brisk walk.  It was bloody freezing and I was not dressed appropriately.  But I persevered because there is nothing Fluffy Pencil loves more than a walk (other than leaving the house of course).

Half an hour of exercise and freezing cold wind on my back and I boldly and confidently approached my front door, as you do when it is your own front door.  I turned the handle.   Nothing happened.  Except of course my heart fell to the floor.  I had locked myself out of the house.

You know that blind panic that sets in when you realise that you have just done something really stupid, the same panic that forces you to try open the same locked door repeatedly with the exact same outcome?  I was deep in that panic.

I quickly thought to phone my sister who has a spare key.  Saved.  Then I remembered that she has a key for the real house – not the one we are living in.  No one has a spare key for this house*

After I had tried the door about 8 times I realised it was not going to work. So I decided to test the security of the windows.

I removed the fly screens and this feeling of accomplishment buoyed me for about 12 seconds.  I thought I had it nailed.  What I did not take into account is that once the fly screens were gone there was still the glass to get through.  I am happy to report to Little Pencil, who often sits up at night worrying about break-ins, that our windows are impenetrable.  At least impenetrable to a 41 year old mother with a dog yapping at her feet.

The panic started to rise even more so I did what any confident, self assured and together woman would do – I phoned my husband, Mr Pencil to cry.  He didn’t pick up the phone.

I took out 5 minutes of breaking and entering to explain to the woman across the road that I was not trying to break into the house I was just trying to get in.  Without a key

Then I cased the neighbour’s house.  We are living in a semi.  You cannot climb over the wall of a semi. It is an internal wall. So I called my Mr Pencil and he didn’t answer

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So Fluffy Pencil and I walked around the block again and phoned Mr Pencil again.  He didn’t answer the phone again.

I remembered that I had left the back door open so if I could just hop over the back wall I would be home and hosed.  Well at least home.

The house behind me was locked and barred.  There was no way of breaking into that one if I could not even break into my own one.  So I phoned Mr Pencil so that he could ignore me and Fluffy Pencil licked my legs.

I decided to think positive.  I would go and sit in the park and work on my very handy iPhone. Except I only had one bar of battery and I was freezing cold.  I was even scared to keep trying to call Mr Pencil lest I use up all my battery and finally get through to him and manage to only sob before we get cut off.  But I called him anyway and he didn’t answer.

About 15 minutes had passed (that felt like 30 days) I was preparing my speech for Mr Pencil.  I was practising tone and everything.  My rant was going to be about how it was his fault (I needed some time to work on this angle) and how impossible it was to get hold of him when I needed him.  As I worked out how he would respond I heard his voice – “but there’s a spare key hidden on top of the …….”**

Of course there was.  But I could not reach it.  I went and got the huge green bin, did a quick prayer of thanks to Maria who had cleaned it with disinfectant and hauled it over to the ___**.  I climbed on the bin, knocked my knee, my head and my elbow and through my tears I spotted the key.

I opened the door, the Fluffy Pencil fell asleep and Mr Pencil called me back.

*turns out I was wrong

** I can’t tell you where it is because you may want to break in and shout at my husband for ignoring my calls