There’s a lot of things I love about the school holidays. Problem is there’s also I lot of stuff, that I er, am less than partial to . Allow me to explore:
I don’t have to make school lunch and anyone that has ever wrapped a sandwich in greaseproof paper knows the joy of a day off
I have to make real lunch. Real lunch is far worse than school lunch. Somehow being home makes me feel like I have to make more effort. And invariably he will return his plate of freshly prepared food to the kitchen untouched and ask for a sandwich
I get to take Little Pencil to the movies and that is a real treat. Sitting together and sharing a large popcorn is one of life’s greatest pleasures
I have to see Marmaduke. Enough said
We don’t have to stress about homework and I admit that homework places a lot of stress on me. I like to get it done, and I like Little Pencil to be the one doing it. This always causes a bit of conflict so when we don’t have homework I feel particularly stress free
Little Pencil has to beat every level on the x-box game. This does not sound hard for me but you have no idea how seriously Little Pencil takes his gaming. The stress? I would rather do fractions homework
I don’t have to do a hundred lifts to school and extra mural activities and I like to think that means less time in the car and in the traffic
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We don’t need to have a freshly laundered uniform every day and this pleases me greatly because I iron school clothes
Little Pencil is likely to change three times in the course of one day. Each change of clothing will need to be washed and I actually iron all clothes
I don’t have to shout about bed time because after all it is holiday time so why should he have to go to bed at a decent hour?
I have to beg, cajole and scream about bed time because no matter what time he goes to sleep he will wake up at 6:30am and if he went to bed late he will be cranky and er, hideous.
I get to spend more time with Little Pencil. Always a plus.
He’d rather be with his friends. Actually maybe that is also a plus….
How do you feel about school holidays?