My working life is changing, evolving and more and more it is taking me out of the house. I had chosen to work from home when Little Pencil was tiny. I chose to never really go back into a job away from home because essentially I wanted to be at his beck and call. I wanted to be home when he needed me and I did not want to stress over school holidays and sick days. I was really lucky that I could find work that accommodated that. Then when Little Pencil went to school we got Fluffy Pencil and I fell so deep and hard in love with my puppy that I literally could not bear to leave him.
So I worked at home with Fluffy Pencil, took him for walks whenever I got frustrated (he took a LOT of walks) and I was able to pick up Little Pencil from school every day and spend as much time with him as he would let me.
Now work is changing, there is more time in the office. In fact there is an office at all. And there is an office for me with a breathtaking few and spectacular people around me. I still get to pick up Little Pencil and I get to spend as many days at home with him as I like. My job is perfectly flexible with an emphasis on the word perfectly.
So why do I feel conflicted and stressed? Because of Fluffy Pencil. He is not used to being at home alone till school pick up time. There is not even a doggy door at this “not real house”. He is waiting at home for me all alone looking out of the window and wondering why I am not getting frustrated enough to take him or a walk.
And then yesterday I was talking to my friend who I will call Kerri (because that is her name) and she was telling me about the baby sitter she has just employed. The babysitter, who I will call Mary Poppins (because that is not her name) is an amazing young woman who really gets Kerri’s kids and will take care of them two afternoons a week while Kerri works.
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Now stay with me for this leap. Fluffy Pencil is not a human. Some parts of me understand that (although Mr Pencil will attest to the fact that I have done a mighty fine job of personifying him). But he is one of my favourite breathing beings in all of the world and I want him to feel secure and loved, I want him looked after and I want him to go walking and running during the day to alleviate my stress around him. Cue babysitter. Cue dog walker. Cue huge load off shoulders.
Now I just need somebody to do the shopping, cook dinners, do the washing, make school lunches, help with homework and take care of my social life.
After all we all do what we can to make our lives easier. Or at least we should
What do you outsource to make your life easier?