The other day I had to call in a pest control man and I was not happy. Admittedly ants had taken over our entire kitchen and the benchtops looked like they had a very modern, black streak pulsating along them but, I was not happy is because I felt sad about killing the ants. Yes I know I sound crazy and I have probably just lost about 7/8 of my readership but I am a very big softy and I don’t like murdering little creatures – no matter how small or irritating.
Anyway apparently Mr Pencil dislikes the ants more than I dislike killing them so the pest control man was called. I did try and soften the blow for myself by constantly calling it a bug “repair” man but no-one was fooled, especially not the Yellow Pages.
So the day of the extermination dawned and I put on my bravest face to greet the executioner. I knew him from a previous murder he had committed at our home so I was prepared for his work. Or so I thought. I led him to the scene of the crime that he was about to commit and made the terrible mistake of asking him if the ants would suffer. The mistake was NOT in caring about the ants. The mistake was in allowing this man to give me his views on life and death. Turns out that the bug “repair” man is an extremely religious man. An extremely religious, evangelical man. An extremely religious, evangelical man who can recite psalms at the drop of an ant.
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And as he left he was singing hymns and I wondered if the chemicals he uses come with a warning. I also felt as sad for him than I felt for the ants because clearly this man was in more pain than they were (he did not paint a rosy view of the world), and well, because I worry about people as much as I worry about ants.
His attempts to change my views on religion and how I should live my life did not work but he did make me wonder. How polite do you have to be to a virtual stranger in your own home?