Just don’t throw shit. And don’t joke about it either

This morning everyone is talking about the horrific train incident that occurred in Melbourne on Monday evening.  If you haven’t seen the rather disturbing footage of what happened after Roger Stapleford (the victim) asked one of two young girls to remove her feet from the chair apposite opposite him so he could sit, you can watch it here:

If you can’t watch right now or you don’t want to watch young kids abusing a grown man without even a skerrick of shame here’s what happened: The girls abused him verbally (even threatening to kill him) after assaulting him by throwing a can of drink at him resulting in a 5cm gash to his forehead.

It’s horrifying of course. Awful that it happened, that such hideous troubles teenagers are riding our trains and horrifying that nobody did a thing to come to Roger’s aid until the girls had left the carriage.

Just a few days ago we were up in arms that nobody said a thing when Charles Saatchi strangled his wife Nigella Lawson before tweaking her nose and pushing her face in public.  We argued that the photographer shouldn’t have taken pictures (although I believe he did a valuable thing) and that nobody came to her assistance.

It’s just as outrageous that nobody said a thing to these girls on the train. Nobody came to help a man on the train covered in some young kid’s drink and sporting a giant gash on his forehead. Just a lone person who filmed it on their phone – bravo to them.

Is assault and intimidation becoming so common place that people no longer bat an eyelid when it happens in front of them?  Is bad behaviour so easily accepted that we just laugh it off?

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I am not a confrontational person. Okay that’s not true. I am – but not usually in public. And hardly ever on Facebook. So my fingers hovered for more than a few seconds last night when I saw the Facebook status of one of the fathers of a child at Little Pencil’s school.

The kids are going to Canberra today and he had written some disparaging comment about arming his daughter with a sandwich lest she should meet Julia Gillard.  Apparently, according to the people that cheered him on, it was a joke. Except that I don’t think it is. And I said as much.

I don’t give a flying toss what you think about the Prime Minister personally but I would like to believe that we are teaching our kids respect for all people and then some again for the highest office in the country.  I want my son to know that violence and intimidation are never an answer and whether it occurred to the Prime Minister, the man delivering the newspaper or a casual bystander  – it never becomes a joke.

When some really misguided kid threw a sandwich at the Prime Minister he wasn’t honestly protesting some political ideology – he was just being abusive and rude.  There was no message in it.  Just like there is nothing noble about hurling a drink at a man on a train because he has asked you to move your legs.

I’d like to think as a society we know right from wrong. I’d like to think that I would stand up for someone if they were in strife. I’d like to think that I have caused the people who were making ridiculous jokes on Facebook about their 11 and 12 year old kids throwing sandwiches at another human being some reason to think.


Why the graphic images? Who are they helping?

I checked the news this morning and the fear gripped me like it so often has done in the past.

I am trying hard to focus on this tweet from @DrGMLaTulippe which said “What I’m most struck by: video of the explosion shows police, military, bystanders running TOWARDS blast area to help. People. Are. GOOD”


And if you look through the stream of carnage and social media voyeurism there are a lot of people struck by the good in mankind. There are hundreds of reports of people running to help, to offer their services, to provide shelter and to donate blood.




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But the actual images coming out of the horror of the Boston Bombings are shockingly gruesome. I am not going to pretend for a minute that we should hide our heads in the sand and pretend that people have not literally been blown apart. I am however, choosing not to invade people’s most vulnerable moments by watching them bleed.

And while I think of how to approach the news headlines with my child I think about the mothers in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. How do they talk to their children every day? Today 37 people were killed and 140 injured in an explosion in Iraq.

Thinking of all the people affected by war, greed and human depravity everywhere and focusing on this image of a couple reunited after the Boston marathon.


They made water out of thin air. You have to see this

Today is World Water Day. I know you can barely contain your excitement.  In fact it was me who just the other day spent way to much time plotting against the person who sent me an email wishing me Happy World Consumer Right’s day.  I’m just not that into “dedicated days”

But World Water Day caught my attention not because of its aim to focus world’s attention on fresh water and the “sustainable management of freshwater resources”. No, not at all, because I hardy even understand what that means. It caught my attention because I saw this. A billboard that creates water. Seriously it does.

Take a look

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35yeVwigQcc&w=560&h=315]

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And just like that engineers have gone on to my list of my top 10 professions.

Seriously – imagine the difference fresh water could make to the world’s poorest people? I understand that Lima has particularly high humidity which makes this billboard possible – but what a big step is this?

Don’t be surprised if I wish you Happy World Water Day.

The image I can’t get out of my head

It was only on for a second. Maybe two. But I cannot get the image out of my mind.

I was watching something on the ABC, I don’t even remember what it was because I wasn’t really watching but the TV was on in front of me. When the show ended I looked up at the TV in the way that you do when there is a change in the sound. You know, even subconsciously, that one show has finished and another is about to start.

And that’s when I saw it – the one second of footage that I cannot get out of my mind.

I don’t even know what it was for but I can sure as hell tell you what it was about – the most awful, heinous and despicable animal cruelty.

I cannot get the image of a man throwing an animal (it turns out it was a turkey at the Inghams factory in Sydney) repeatedly to the ground. And every cell in my body is crying. Literally.

What kind of debased, evil human does that to an animal?

How does this go on while I sit in my bed at home with my dog snoring gently at my feet?
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I fear for humanity when I see things like that.

I’ve tried everything I can to get the image out of my head but I feel like a coward.  If I can’t (or don’t want to) see it , it won’t just go away.

I feel sick that there is nothing I can do to help. I feel trapped by my helplessness because I know in my heart that other than donating money (which I do) there is nothing that I can do to stop it.

Sometimes I think I should be working for some kind of animal anti-cruelty organisation but I know that I can’t. I know that the knowledge that comes with a job like that would likely kill my soul.  And so I feel worse about myself.

I am not sure of the purpose of this blog post, I don’t know how writing this is going to help because all I want is that image erased and that’s not the right thing to want.

How can a person who can’t process even one second of footage help make sure that it comes to an end?

It’s very hard to judge how Oscar Pistorius felt from the luxury of our homes in Australia

A friend of my mother’s was shot by an intruder last year. She was pottering around in her garden when the intruder killed her. She had probably got in their way. She was in her 60’s and posed no threat. None at all.

I heard about a guy who got home the other day to find two intruders in his house. They were holding his 12 year old son. He was armed and he shot at the intruder – the intruder shot him back and killed him in front of his son.

I could go on for ages telling you about the amount of people that I know that have been held up, shot or killed in South Africa.  I couldn’t count the stories that I hear on a daily basis there are just too many.

  • Around 5900 crimes are reported by the South African Police every day
  • Crime statistics for the year ended April 2012 show there were 15 609 murders for the year, which equates to about 43 murders a day
  • The world average for murder is 7.6 per 100 000 people. Murder in South Africa is 36.5 per 100 000

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This isn’t the place for me to go into they history of apartheid and to tell you that although I (obviously) think this random killing and loss of life  is abysmal, horrific and frightening, I kind of understand it.

I don’t condone violence but I do “get” that generations of people have grown up without basic human rights and have been subject to the most senseless violence themselves.  It’s hard to value life when no value has been placed on your own life.

I can’t explain what it’s like living in a city like Johannesburg (or Pretoria) . I can’t explain the fear and the reality of these crime stats. They don’t just happen in “bad areas”, they don’t just happen to “other people”. This is the reality of life for many every day South Africans living in gated communities behind electric fencing with guns under their beds  – ready to defend themselves. To protect their lives and the lives of their children.

  • More than 64,000 sexual offences, including rape, were reported in South Africa in the year to April 2012,. The rape figures could be much higher, as research suggests that only a fraction of sexual assaults are reported.
  • There are around 250,000 reported burglaries a year

Before we left South Africa we lived in a townhouse complex. One night we heard a shooting outside. Instead of locking the doors and ducking for cover we did what every one of our neighbours did – we ran outside to see what was happening. The only difference between us and our neighbours was that we were the ONLY couple standing outside without a gun.  Every other person that stood with us that night (and there must have been around 8 families) was armed as we watched somebody chase someone else down the road shooting randomly into the dark.

My husband’s father had a weekly card game. He played with a group of  suburban upper class business men who got together and played bad cards, ate gummy lollies and drank whiskey, As they entered the house of the person hosting the game they would hand in their guns. Just like swingers handed in their keys in porn movies of the 1970’s. Or so I’ve heard.

The reality of owning a gun and being prepared to use it is an everyday thing in South Africa.

The reality of being petrified of intruders is not uncommon either. It is the reason I left South Africa. It is the reason I was too frightened to return to South Africa for my own sister’s wedding many years ago. It is the reason I never attended my step-father’s funeral 3 years ago. I was just too scared to be in Johannesburg.

Violent crime is not discriminating.

I am not saying that Oscar Pistorius is innocent but I am saying that it’s very hard to comment on the fear he may have felt IF there was an intruder in his home. Imagine just for one second that he was scared – and that he killed the woman he loved by mistake.

Cases of fatal shootings in South Africa based on mistaken identity include one in 2004, when a retired international rugby player took his teenage daughter for a thief and shot her dead as she was sneaking out of the family home at night to visit her boyfriend. In December last year a man in Johannesburg accidentally shot dead his young daughter after spotting an intruder downstairs in his house.”

It’s hard to judge this one from Australia.

When I hear people making jokes about shooting their partners “by mistake” just because it was dark I think how lucky these people are that they have never felt real terror for their lives just sitting at home or trying to sleep.

I know that feeling and it very nearly drove me insane.